Founding of the Wagner workshop by Fritz Grogg, house with Wagner workshop at the Spitalgasse in Langenthal.

Move to the house of the farmer and carters Aeberhard-Schneeberger on Melchnaustrasse
Transfer of the wainwright’s workshop to the carpentry workshop acquired by Fritz Grogg, which had land reserves up to the “Aufhabengässchen” (today Herzogstrasse).

Building publication for a workshop building with magazine and flat on “Aufhabengässchen”. Commercial vehicles for industry and agriculture are manufactured.
Moving into the new building put out to tender. Later, a wagon smithy was added to the wainwright’s shop, first by renting a nearby workshop, later on its own floor in a subsequent new building.
The son Fritz Grogg jun. joins his father’s business. During the war years the company was engaged in the production of field porters, gunstocks made of walnut wood for the gun factory and meat blocks made of ash wood for American field kitchens. Adaptation to the new conditions: the first bodies on car chassis are built. Transfer of the company to Fritz Grogg jun.
Unexpected death of the company founder, father Grogg.
Conversion of the previous sole proprietorship into a general partnership: active participation of Robert Sommer-Grogg born 1886, businessman and Ernst Grogg, born 1890, master locksmith and graduate of the carriage building school in Hamburg.
Subsequently, the company name was first changed to Grogg & Co. and later to Grogg, Sommer & Cie.
The old property was demolished to make way for a two-storey workshop building.
Acquisition of the building land of 16’000m2 on Aarwangenstrasse from the Burgergemeinde.
Conversion of the previous general partnership into a family limited company. Carrosserie Langenthal AG.
Construction of a basement workshop (Hall 1) of 2’200m2 and 2 two-family houses.
As a result of general unemployment, the Federal Council decided to grant considerable customs concessions for car chassis (PW), which were carrosed throughout Switzerland. This gave a welcome boost to the local car body industry. Langenthal became a leader and famous for such bodies, in particular for the “Langenthaler Cabriolet”, which was known throughout Switzerland.

Extension of the factory building to the north, providing an additional 530 m2 of floor space (Hall 1).
Leased at the Carrosserie Geissberger on Wiesenstrasse in Zurich.
Replacement of the classic ash wood car body framework with light steel or light metal. Catastrophic interruption of production due to the outbreak of the Second World War. Operations were maintained by the manufacture and installation of substitute fuel facilities (wood gas) and conversion of motor vehicles to electric traction. Only after the end of the war did military contracts and the construction and repair of railway car bodies offer additional work.
Ernst Grogg-Hiltbrunner takes over the branch in Zurich on his own account.
Expansion of the Board of Directors with the addition of Ms Dr.jur. Elfriede Grogg as a member. The hitherto most important production of convertibles had to be abandoned due to foreign competition. The resulting employment gap was bridged by the production of car bodies and repairs.
Start of the cooperation with Martin Nencki. Production and assembly of Nencki tippers for trucks and trailers.
Dr.jur. Emil Schnell joined the company as a representative of his wife in the function of a VR delegate.
Extension of the workshop in a northerly direction up to the limit of the construction line, thus increasing the floor area to a total of 3,520 m2 (Hall 1).
Construction of an assembly hall, also with a basement, and a courtyard covering 75m in the eastern direction (hall 2).
Takeover of the entire share capital by Fritz Grogg (1895-1974).

Construction of another new assembly hall with basement of 1,550 m2 (Hall 3).
Construction of a basement 2-storey office building of 420 m2 and various modernisation and renovation works.
Construction of hydraulically tiltable truck bridges. Retirement of Fritz Grogg. His son-in-law, Dr. Emil Schnell-Grogg, takes over the overall management.
Takeover of the general management for large orders and general agency for Drögmöller-Car spare parts.
Transfer of the shares to Nencki AG and the management to Sepp Käppeli.
Conversion of assembly hall 2 into a central material cutting shop.
Construction of a new painting shop, according to the latest principles, 18 m long with lifting platforms.
Modification of the old magazine into a showroom with reception hall for workshop customers. Courtyard and rear access road were redesigned and tarred.
Consistent expansion of the coach service department.
Extensive new building planning for the construction of a new straightening plant for large vehicles, wheel alignment, bus service centre.
Start of new building realisation, site renovation.
Completion of the hall for repair centre.
Installation of the labelling studio inside the track hall.
Hall construction for 2 painting cabins and a brake tester.
Partial demolition of Hall 1 due to the open-cast construction of Rail 2000, extension of a repair hall of 1,310 m2, 800 m2 of which has a basement (tunnel hall).

Calag Carrosserie Langenthal AG buys the company. Kurt Späti is the new managing director.
Leasing of a 742 m2 workshop in Oensingen on Dünnernstrasse for service work. Opening of the service centre in Oensingen.
Outsourcing of the lettering studio to a rented property of 625 m2 on Gaswerkstrasse in Langenthal.
Acquisition of the building right from the Burgergemeinde Langenthal for a plot of 27,755 m2 on Chasseralstrasse in Wolfhusenfeld.
New building on Chasseralstrasse with a usable area of 12’610m2.
Relocation in December to the new property on Chasseralstrasse.

125th anniversary of the company
Commissioning of the 630.24 kWp strong and 3946.6 m2 large photovoltaic system on the roofs of the factory buildings in Langenthal.

Acquisition of Bernische Carrosserie Gangloff AG and thus takeover of the agency CHEREAU-Kühlfahrzeuge in Switzerland.

Entry into the construction and maintenance of aerial ropeways, funiculars and special cabins by purchasing this division from Gangloff Cabins AG